Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Yay!!! I'm almost done

I have managed to finish my schooling for unit 4 and unit 5 in my professional photography course. I was so scared that the photos wouldn’t be good enough too… it was a pleasant surprise to say the least! I have one more unit left but I thought I would share with you a picture I think I did really well on. Here it is!

It's a macro I got... The bug was dying and my son pulled it out of the water... While it's wings dried it just sat there... reminded me of a dragonfly even though it isn't one. So I took the picture! Shortly after it flew away.

Hope you liked the picture and..

As always... Thanx for reading and viewing my post!
Hope you have a wondrous day!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Photo of the Month: 9~30~2017


Yup... here is the Photo of the Month!

Thank you so much to my best friend Tiger... She really rocked this look for me!
Hope you like the picture!

As always... Thanx for checking out my post!
Have a dreamy day!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Photo of the Month: 8~31~2017

Yup it's that time again...
I have noticed something... I don't often remember to put out the "Photo of the Month" like I'm supposed to... I really will work on that! So this is the second month in a row I've remembered... Here is this month's Photo!

My son posed for me at a park and this was the result... I've had it out on my instagram for a while so I figure why not share it here too! He was just thinking and staring off in the distance like he was in a trance so I snapped the shot and later had him try a few other stances... I liked this one best though... It was the most natural of them all... Anyhow... Hope you liked it!

As always... Thanx for reading or looking at my posts!
Hope you have a hypnotic day!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Photo of the Month: 7~31~2017

This pic isn't so much one I took... More like one I made from pictures I took. I made it because I did a Vlog on a specific store... I'll put a link for you to click if you want to watch the video but I am not sharing the video directly since this is my Photo-Blog and it would be odd to put a video.

Here is the picture...

Not too bad right! And you can watch the video by clicking HERE

Well that's it for the Photo of the month! Sorry about skipping June's photo... A lot was happening... I'm back on track now though... I think!

Catch ya'll next month!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Photo of the Month!!!! 5-31-2017

I thought maybe it would be good to start a new series so what better time to start than the month I was born in? So here it is... Hope you like the first pic in my new "Photo of the Month" series!

I call it "Bookworm in training!"

Well hope you like it!

As always... Thanx for looking at and reading what I share!
Hope you have an imagination filled day!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thoughts on life & A challenge for you!.!.!....

So much to think about and no time to do it!!! You ever feel like life is moving just a bit to fast for you? I get like that sometimes! Before I know it my children will be grown up and out in the world... I wonder what amazing things they will get done in their lifetimes!

With these thoughts in my mind I'm writing a post about the future... Using a picture I took and words my mom once said...

The road always looks straight to you but there are twists farther down than you can ever see at one time... There is ice and snow that may trip you up if you try to walk on the sidelines unnoticed and there is no way to know if you went in the right direction or not... But if you keep going and try to reach the light on the other side of the mountain of obstacles facing you then you will have lived a fulfilling and happy life!!!

Yup... That little "story" was my moms advice! I don't know how right she is but it gives me hope for the future of even the most miserable person out there! 

So here is a challenge for all of you... Go up to someone you don't know and smile... Then say I just wanted to wish you a good day (or the equivalent of that in your country) then smile again and leave.

You never know how much that will effect someone... Maybe your "have a good day" will be what saves a persons life... Maybe it will be the one thing that lets them try again and push to stay alive...

Are you up for the challenge??? I know I am!!! Let's do this together and spread the joy today!!!

OK... I'm going to end on that note... Simply because it's such a great one! 

As always... Thanx for reading my post!!!
Have an amazing day everyone!!!