Thursday, October 27, 2016

1~21~2016: Just a few pics for ya!

So I thought this was an amazing picture of an overcast day here in the mountains... What do you think? 

I took this picture last week along with the next one... Both are near my house.
(Less than 5 min walking distance)

This one is just one I like... The trees against the snow are so pretty to me!

Do you have a favorite nature picture that you took??? If so share it in the comments! I'd love to see them!!!This was a very short post and I'm sorry it wasn't more interesting... I'm writing it while fighting a massive migraine!

Because of that I'm going to end the post here... Hope you liked it even a little bit!!!

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!

Have an amazing day!!!

12~24~2015: Inspiration... Words of wisdom!

We have all had times when we are down... When we need a quick reminder it is all good... Here are some pictures I have found over the years that help me to remember these things!

These are 6 of the photos that I look to every time I get down because in one way or another they always fit how I'm feeling (not all at the same time fit though lol) I hope they can also bring you some comfort when you are down!

I think I will leave it at this for today!

As always... Thanx for reading what I've posted!!!

Have a great day!!!

11~17~2015: Drawing Blanks...

Today's post is VERY late since I was completely blank on what to write about... I spend the weekend planning out my posts so this doesn't happen but for some reason I couldn't think of a single thing... soooo... I decided to write a post with pictures I have drawn posted in it instead of actual videos or topics... I am thinking they will be my "I'm Stumped" posts.

Here they are...

Drawn long before I got married when my last name still began with B.

This one was to remind me to keep hope alive inside me!

She was someone I saw in a dream... Never quite managed to forget her.

This one is my favorite of the 4... MIZURE from Rosario Vampire... Took forever to get it just right!

Let me know what you think of the artwork!

As always... Thanx for reading this post!

Have a great day!!!

10~19~2015: RiverFire... it happened this weekend!!!

2015 RiverFire

Yes it happened this weekend!

So this weekend in Berlin was the annual RiverFire festival! Yes that's right... RiverFire!

It's not just a title either!!!

This picture is from the RiverFire site

This is the actual river... They have rock piles all along the middle of the river that they put a ton of pallets on and when it gets dark they light them on fire. There are pictures from the site the town put up but I'm adding mine too cause I went back after dark to get some!!!

Here is the site address if you wanna check it out...

They also light a bunch of pumpkins along a bridge over the river... Here are some pictures of that...

This picture is from the RiverFire site.

This is pretty and all but what kind of fair would it be if that was the only thing that went on?!?!

There was a clown doing balloon animals and stands selling both hot and cold food and drinks. There was an ATV race, a duck race, and s 5K run. Oh and there were hayrides too... Then when it got darker there was laser tag. At dusk the fires were lit... And there was a point where there was live music. 

It was very cold but very fun with lots of things to do throughout the day.

Here are what some of the pumpkins from this year looked like...

Those are the only pumpkins I took pictures of... I went too late at night to be able to see the outline of them so u can only see the cutouts unless my son or someone else was shinning a light.

I also wasn't able to get good pictures of the fires but here are what I did get...

This is a party across the river...
Closeup of that party
The RiverFires were almost out when I went to get the pics
Sorry About not getting a better Pic myself of the RiverFires when they were lit. I ended up going about an hour after they lit them. Each of the dots in the bottom picture are a pillar of pallets that has almost gone out. Next year I will get much better pics to share with you all!

Hope you enjoyed some of the things from RiverFire and this post!!!!!

As always let me know if there is something you want to have me write about or an Anime/Manga you want me to review in the Spotlight Review for Wednesday!

Hope you have a great day!!!

Old post from my main blog...

Photography can be fun...

          I am known to be the first person to jump on the band wagon when I hear something like "it'll be fun!" or "you'll have no problem with that!" and if I'm being honest I usually do have a lot of fun!. Photography was something I did all the time as a kid with the film cameras. I still have a ton of film that was never actually developed... though now it probably is crap cause yes film does go bad lol.

          When my mom said she thought I would be good at it for real I laughed at first. I mean... Come on... Me? But I decided to give it a try anyhow. I enrolled in New York Institute of Photography's online course. (Here is a link if you wanna check them out!) NYIP

          I'm still a student right now. I've completed 3 out of 6 units in the professional photography course. If you want a warning... the f-stops suck... But once you get used to them they aren't so bad. And now for a tip... You should really memorize the "Sunny 16" rule... It comes in handy lol.

Randomly I post pictures on a picture blog... This doesn't happen on a normal basis... It's not done often actually. But if you wanna check it out here is a link... Mystique Photography Hope you like!

That's all I can think of for now so i'll end with...

Have a great day!!!


Leaf Viewing Season!

It's leaf viewing season here in the east coast! Now is the time of year when the weather gets colder and the leaves start turning brilliant shades of reds and yellows! Take a look!!! 

It's not the best pic but I took it from a car when I was taking the kids to school so it's not the worst either lol. It could have been a lot worse!

Here is a view of the town with the mountain in the background starting to turn colors... 

This is a HUGE thing here! People have been known to travel here just to see the leaves!!! Lucky me that this is practically my back yard!

well happy leave viewing!!!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Food pictures!!!

I thought about this a lot... Today I'm doing something I normally don't... I'm sharing some pictures form my Instagram that I posted of food I've eaten...

I'll go from newest to oldest...

This one was a cup of spagettii with chopped ham and spinach... The ham and spinach were fried in coconut oil and I added garlic salt to the spinach.

 This one was a cup of tea with a bowl of orange slices, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. You can top this with coconut shavings if you want a change

This is a bowl of fruit and green drink... The fruit is the left-over from making the drink....
They are pear, peach, and an apple... The drink also has spinach leaves and cucumber in it.

This one was rice that was topped with a cubed fried chicken... That was then topped with peppers that were diced and sauteed with minced garlic and honey. I thought about taking the picture after I already started eating so it is all mixed together here.

I hope you liked these pictures... Sorry if you didn't!
You can find all of them as well as other pictures on my instagram..

Instagram: Mistique FireMaiden Robin

Thanx for taking the time to view them!!!
Have an amazing day!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Long time no post....

Just throwing a little something on here... I have been so busy with my other blog and with school at New York Institute of Photography that I haven't been able to post... Here is a photo I took recently (I watermarked it because I think it came out wonderful)

Well there's your photo-snack... Hope you like it!